Lagniappe Al Fresco at New Orleans to Go last Friday.
It was a fabulous warm, breezy evening. New Orleans to Go was bursting at the seams with customers! The food was hot, the band was hotter, the drinks cold, and folks made room to dance ...and Second Line. (thus umbrella in one pic)
The band strolled inside a few times (Inside pictures courtesy of Carolyn.) That's Randy the owner smiling at the music and busy night. The blonde a seldom scene photo of yours truly. I haven't taken a decent photo since the days of the daguerreotype so excuse the self indulgence. She caught a glimpse of my bliss from this music. If you know anybody that needs cheering up, Lagniappe is great music therapy. I promise.
Band returns June 27th unless I hear otherwise. Stop by before then for some great food. Tell Latoya the blogger lady sent you. :-)
Click on the photomerge ABOVE to see the photos full-sized.
Thanks again to Carolyn for the email of photographs. ALWAYS great to hear from the fans. Much appreciated. Feel free to leave comments under the photos on this post. You do not need to sign up or give your email. Simple to do.
Until next time.

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